2015 Great Lakes Resource Sharing Conference:  Session Proposal
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Speaker/Primary Contact Information
If there is more than one speaker for your proposal, please provide the information for the primary contact person first.
First Name: *
Last Name: *
Email Address: *
Institution/Organization: *
Phone Number: *
Additional Speakers:
Full Name and Institution/Organization
Please indicate each additional speaker with their full name and institution/organization.
Speaker Biographies
Please include a brief biography (150 words maximum) for each speaker.
Biography Speaker 1 *
Biography Speaker 2 (also include Institution and email)
Biography Speaker 3 (also include Institution and email)
If more than three speakers, simply add additional biographies to this box.
Proposed Session Information
Session Title *
Session Description *
Provide a description of your session that could be included in the full program (75 words maximum).
Session Abstract *
Provide a synopsis of your session for the Program Committee, including relevance to resource sharing practitioners and objective of the session (250 words maximum).
Additional Information
if you have any additional information to provide to the Program Committee, please include it in the box below.
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