Registration form DTL Focus Meeting: Study capturing

The main topic of this DTL Focus meeting will be study capturing, presenting and discussing several approaches currently available, as well as discussing the needs for extensions in currently available standards.

During the first part of the meeting, a number of case studies (approaches) will be presented, including the Phenotype Database (mainly focusing at its capturing module GSCF), SysMO-DB, eFoodLab, and the Research Object Model / myExperiment. This will be followed by a discussion on complementarity and gaps.

In the second part, the needs for extensions of study capturing standards will be discussed, based on the presentations in the first part plus short presentations on field-specific extensions in GSCF (nutritional research), SysMO-DB, ISAtab-nano (nanomaterials), MOLGENIS/Observ-OM, DiXa (toxicology). The part will be wrapped up in an integrative discussion on the gaps identified, with special focus on extension to the isa-tab standard.

The meeting will be concluded with a sessions to determine how to proceed using and bringing together existing solutions and extending them where needed.

More details about the programme can be found at: available soon.

The meeting will be held at Maastricht University, Randwyck campus, UNS60, Co Greep zaal (meeting room 5th floor), Universiteitssingel 60, Maastricht. The location is at a 5 minutes’ walk from the Maastricht Randwyck station.

The meeting starts with lunch and ends with drinks, allowing you some flexibility in the time to travel to/from Maastricht.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please register via the registration form below!

You can contact Lars Eijssen via if you have any questions about the meeting.

Focus meetings are a series of meetings on diverse topics, organized by the Dutch Techcentre for Life Sciences (DTL). See also:
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