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Coaching Intake Questions
Please take a few minutes to share information that will help us pair you with a coach.  All answers are held in confidence by the Director of ELCA Coaching and will only be shared with the coach you ultimately select.
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Email *
Name *
Best phone number to reach you *
A note about coaching costs
ELCA Coaching Ministry seeks to promote fair and just compensation that honors the training and experience of the coach and provides affordable coaching support for the leader. 

We also recognize that leaders can face difficult financial circumstances and we encourage our coaches to consider charging an honorarium on a sliding scale that will also take into account the unique situation of each individual they work with. 

When approached with a prayerful posture, we believe an agreement can be made that serves both coach and client well. The average coach honorarium is ~ $50/session; and most coaching relationships are for 6-8 sessions, depending on what best fits the leader's needs. 

We can also negotiate a pro bono coaching relationship if that would be helpful. 
I'd like to be considered for pro bono coaching *
What would be most important for your coach to know about you? *
What is your greatest joy in life? Greatest challenge? *
How are you currently connected to a faith community? *
How are you experiencing God these days? *
What is your "big vision" for your life? *
What is the next thing God is calling you to do? *
How would you describe your communication style? *
How do you best learn in life? *
How will you prioritize coaching in your schedule? *
What are you looking for in a coach? (gender, experience in a special area, geographic location, etc.) *
What do you hope will be different for you because of coaching? *
What other questions do you have?
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