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React Native EU 2023 - Diversity Scholarship Application
React Native EU Diversity Scholarship is program directed towards the members of underrepresented groups in tech community and/or people who otherwise will not be able to purchase a ticket because of financial reasons. Eligible applicants include women, people of colour, LGBT+, people with disabilities and people facing economic or social hardships. 

Diversity Scholarship grants full 2-day access to the conference and to the evening party on September 8.There is a limited number of the tickets. If the number of applications exceeds the number of tickets we have for sharing, we will evaluate the applications and choose the applicants based on their role in tech community and what they would like to learn as a scholar.

Application deadline: August 1, 2023

If you have any additional questions please contact us:
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Twitter / Github or other way to find you online
Let us know why it's important for you to be a part of React Native EU 2023 *
Why did you choose to apply for Diveristy Scholarship? *
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