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Changemakers of Color 
Thanks so much for your interest in Changemakers of Color!

“Changemakers of Color” is a four-month coaching mastermind group designed by Dr. Lakeya Cherry for leaders of color across all sectors. Join an intimate collective of passionate leaders of color who desire connection, candor, challenge, support, and accountability, and reap the benefits of building an expanded network.

I am excited to get to know you. Please set aside 5 mins of focus time to respond to the questions below. Your answers will help me determine whether this group is the right fit for you.

I appreciate your thoughtfulness and look forward to having you join Changemakers of Color!

Our first session will occur from 3-4:30 pm PT/ 6-7:30 pm ET.
  • March 11 and March 25

  • April 8 and April 22

  • May 6 and May 27

  • June 10 and June 17

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Pronouns *
Which of the following best describe you? 

Please select one answer.
Where are you in your career?
Please select all that apply.
Where are you in your life?
Please select all that apply.
Where are you based?

Please include your city and state.
Place of Employment *
Title/Function *
Please share your LinkedIn if you have one:
Please share your X or Instagram if you have one:
What makes you a changemaker?  *
What are your primary intentions for joining The Changemakers of Color cohort?

Choose up to three.
What topics do you hope will be covered during mastermind sessions?
Imagine it is 6 months from now. Where do you hope to be?
Confidentiality is a key aspect of creating a brave space for the group to share openly. Are you willing to keep all conversations confidential?
Finally, who should we thank for referring you to Changemakers of Color?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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