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Rainier Scholars | Tacoma Student Nomination Form
Rainier Scholars - Tacoma is a long term college readiness program for underrepresented students of color in the Tacoma community. Students are accepted into the program in 4th grade and supported through college graduation. Nominations for the 2023-24 school year are due by December 15, 2023.

Great candidates for Rainier Scholars:

➤ Are current 4th graders in the Tacoma or surrounding school districts
➤ Hope to graduate from college one day
➤ Are working at or approaching grade level standard in school
➤ Are ready for a challenge
➤ Are curious and love to learn  
➤ Show potential for leadership
➤ Would thrive in a supportive community of motivated peers who are also striving for college graduation

Do you know a student who should know about Rainier Scholars? Please fill out the information below and we will reach out to the family.

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"Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today."     - Malcom X
Student Name (first and last): *
Parent/Guardian Name (first and last): *
Parent/Guardian Contact information (phone # and/or email): *
Student's current school (applicants must be currently enrolled in 4th grade):
Your name:
Your Contact Information (phone # and/or email):
Relationship to student:
How did you hear about us?
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