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The Future of Digital Transformation in Europe -    6 October, Webex (14:00 - 15:30 CET)
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The event is held under the framework of the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU 2021 and the Civil Society Convention on the Future of Europe to discuss the current and future Europe’s digital transformation policies and actions.

The Digital Transformation Cluster of the Convention is collecting proposals from Civil Society Organisations that will feed into the EU’s policies of “A Europe fit for the digital age”. The ambition is to strengthen the EU’s digital sovereignty and set standards on data, technology, and infrastructure - with a clear focus on education, ethics, fundamental rights, and European values. This is done via a dedicated Crowdsourcing platform.

During the event, we will discuss with relevant stakeholders the status quo of digital transformation policies in Europe. The event is also an invitation to organisations across Europe to join the Crowdsourcing platform and present their ideas about what priorities they think the EU should focus on in the next few years in the context of Europe’s digital transformation.
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