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2024 MRI Safety Survey
Applied Radiology invites you to participate in our 2024 MRI Safety Survey.  Your experience and expertise in MR imaging provides insight into the current level of knowledge of MRI Safety, its guidelines, and practice implementation. 

The 2024 survey results will be shared during the 2024 MRI Safety Updates | What the Radiologist Needs to Know CME/CE accredited webinar in the fall of 2024. 
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Your Country? *
What State/Province/Region do you reside in? *
What is your MRI facility type? *
What is your Professional Role? Check all that apply. *
According to the 2024 ACR Manual on MR Safety, who is responsible for the safety of the patient undergoing an MRI exam? *
Does your MRI facility have a designated MR Medical Director (MRMD)? *
Does your MRI facility have an MR Safety Officer (MRSO) with advanced MRI safety training? *
Does your MRI facility practice an annual 'mock code' to include the emergent removal of the patient from the MRI system room? *
At your MRI facility, do all of the MRI-trained radiologists undergo annual MRI safety training? *
At your MRI facility, do all of the MRI-trained technologists undergo annual MRI safety training? *
At your MRI facility, who is responsible to ensure that the safe practice guidelines for MRI safety are established, maintained, and current? Select one. *
Who is responsible for implementing your MRI safety policies and procedures and ensuring that the facility's personnel adhere to them at all times ?  Select all that apply. *
Who has the ultimate responsibility for determining MRI safety for a patient that presents for an MRI exam? *
At your MRI facility, are the MRI services accredited by the ACR? *
Does your MRI facility scan patients with active implants (e.g., cardiac pacemakers, ICDs, Neurostimulation systems, etc.)? *
Does your MRI facility scan patients with unlabeled (i.e., off-label), passive implants? *
How often do you review and update your MRI safety policies? *
Does your facility scan MR conditional passive implants in an off-label fashion (e.g. coronary artery stents on a vertical field magnet)?
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