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CM Board of Education                                                     Public Comment Form
Thank you for attending the Board of Education meeting! The following policies and procedures will be followed for those persons requesting to make public comments.


1. Comment forms submitted after the start of the regular board meeting will not be addressed.

2. The Board of Education will not engage in a debate. If a comment or question requires additional research or data, the district will post such information to the district website within five (5) business days of the board meeting.

3. ALL responses to questions may be viewed under the Board of Education drop down menu at

4. The Board of Education meeting is a business meeting held in public. Please note the Board of Education’s practice requires that members not respond to the public. Attendees are advised to refrain from making comments to the Board of Education, as well.
5. If you are unable to speak, you may submit your comment in writing and it will be shared with each Board member.

6. The Board of Education recognizes the rights and desires of the public to express their thoughts concerning the school district by way of making a public comment. Anyone wanting to address the Board of Education should do so in an orderly manner during the public comment portion of the meeting. In order to ensure an orderly meeting, however, comments, disruptions and/or outbursts during the business portion of this meeting will not be permitted. If members of the public disrupt the Board of Education's meeting, we will take any and all steps necessary in order to ensure that proper decorum is reestablished; this can include such person(s) being removed from the premises so that we can accomplish the necessary business of the Board. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

7. Person(s) making public comments will be allowed five (5) minutes. The Board of Education may extend or reduce the time limits at its discretion.

8. The Board of Education will limit the number of public comments on a particular topic or issue. If you are a member of a group or organization involving the same issue, you should coordinate your comments with others to avoid repetition.
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