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Natural Sculpture Self-Critique
This formative assessment is meant to evaluate if you're on task with your project.
What is your name? *
Do you feel comfortable using origami and paper quilling methods? *
How comfortable do you feel using origami and paper quilling methods? *
Not at all
Very comfortable
How satisfied do you feel with the progress you're making on this project? *
Not at all
Very satisfied
Why or why not are you feeling satisfied with your progress on this project? *
What changes are you going to make to your project prior to its completion? *
In its current state, list 3 places in the natural world that you would display your work. After its completion, we will revisit this idea. *
In its current state, what grade would you give your project taking into account craftsmanship, composition, and overall enjoyment? *
Why would you give yourself said grade? *
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