What Should School Be?
Hello everyone, my name is Allison Gottselig. I am doing a project for a university class of mine that is looking into school as an institution and discovering the negative things that our school system inadvertently teaches. For my research I read a book by John Taylor Gatto, it’s called “Dumbing us Down”. Without going too much into it, he says one of the only ways to fix schools is to throw out the curriculum and ask “what do we want children to learn and why”. This is the focus of this survey. If you could answer these questions with the idea that you were given the opportunity to change schools, what would you change and why. I will be using this forum for my project but no names will be released, anyone who has this link can contribute, so please share with all, not just education students or teachers, everyone’s opinion is valued.
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What was your favourite part about school? Why?
We also need to know if schools did something right, that way we don’t eliminate the good things
If you could omit one subject from your learning, which would it be and why?
This question will vary from person to person, however I added it because if we want to make it so children learn important things, we have to know where to give and take
What are some things you did not like about school? *
I welcome other options but the ones provided were from my own thoughts as well as Gatto’s book, I also am only looking at school as an institution not events that people in school do such as bullying, although an important issue it is not the focus of my project
If you could learn anything in school what would you learn and why?
What does school need to add to their learning that you didn’t receive or don’t see being received? *
by add I mean, things such as, did school not give enough information on real life issues. This question is similar to if you could learn anything but this one I want people to look more realistically
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