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2024 DLC - Basics of WhatsApp - Pilot Project
A fully online course to guide participants through the process of navigating a digital environment, in a way that supports online safety.
DLC is designed to empower people with intellectual disability to navigate
the digital world, to stay connected in a safe manner when communicating online.
The course can also be used by parents and guardians to guide minor children, who engage on social media
platforms, about the benefits and challenges of online communication.
Please note that this course is
for those who had participated in the pilot project.
The course will be available to the general public from February 2025.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
first name:
Your answer
last name:
Your answer
the participant
have a disability?
Yes, the participant does have a disability
No, the participant does not have a disability.
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email address:
Your answer
favourite colour:
Your answer
contact number telephone/mobile number (no spaces between digits e.g. 0215104686):
Your answer
If applicable, name of the
centre/group home/school/organisation :
Your answer
Are you doing the course with a supporter? Please choose an option below.
Yes, I am doing the DLC with a supporter.
No, I am not doing the DLC with a supporter.
Your supporter's: First name;/Last name/ Email Address/ Contact Telephone/Cell Number:
Your answer
Note that there is
no cost
for the participants in the DLC Pilot Project.
You will be sent login details for the DLC within 48 hours. Should you have any questions, please contact Sandy Butler at:
We hope that you enjoy the DLC, thank you supporting the WCFID!
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