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RSVP for Juneteenth Southern Dinner Fundraiser
Saturday November 9, 2024 5:30pm-7:30pm
Event Address: First Presbyterian Church, Potsdam,
42 Elm St, Potsdam, NY 13676
Contact us at
Price: $20 per person
Vegetarian and Vegan selections available; will try to have GF options as well
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Please provide us with your name.
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Will you be able to attend the dinner?
Yes, I'll be there
Sorry, can't make it
Yes, but I will need to take the meal to go
How many people will you be getting dinner for?
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Do you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies?
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How did you hear about this event? Email
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Are you interested in being involved with the Potsdam Juneteenth committee?
Yes, please tell me more
Not at this time
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