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Business and Promotion Products
Welcome to The Green Tags. Thank you for filling this form so that we may complete your order in a timely manner.
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Each set come in 1000 count per order. There is a  a $10 difference if you only want 500. No mixing allowed. Please Zelle to 206-288-3248 to Sally Mary S de Leon. For other direct payment arrangement, feel free to call. *
Name as it would appear on the card *
Your title will show as "7K Associate). Also, the only corporate approved title on 7k Business Cards is "7k Associate."  No rank is allowed to be displayed. Type "7" if you understand. *
Phone Number *
email address, unless you want this left out
What is the web address you want to appear on the card? *
What is the address you want the QR code to direct to? *suggestion: this can be your video link from your 7k Metals App *
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