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Volunteer List for Research Projects
See details below, if you are interested in participating in psychological research. This is a voluntary initiative. Please read carefully before signing up.
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Interested in Research?
This is a call to all those who would like to participate in psychological research.

I am creating a database of the willing, who don't mind spending a bit of time, from time to time, being involved in a variety of different research projects, that may include the following:
  1. Undergraduate research projects
  2. Master's Dissertations
  3. Ph.D. Research
  4. Validation Studies for psychometric assessments
  5. Psychological Research
Basically, when any of these projects become available, the persons who signed up on this list will receive an email requesting their participation, once they match the criteria (which could be based on age, location, employment status, etc.). You are free to accept or decline, depending on the nature of the proposed research.

The ideal person would be someone who enjoys participating in research, and the development of the social sciences.

There is no remuneration for this work, just the recognition that you have participated in advancing research in a particular area. 

Please fill out the basic data below, and you will be added to the list of volunteers. And remember, depending on the nature of the research project for which you may receive an invitation, you are free to decline to participate.

If you choose to participate in a project, you will be provided with more details specific to the project.

How will your data be stored?
The information that you submit on this form will be held securely, and will not be shared with any 3rd party unless permission is expressly given, and it will only be for the purpose of a research project. The database will be purged every 18 months. Volunteers will able to reapply to be on the list, if they wish to continue.

Also, if at any point in the future you would like to be removed from the mailing list, just let me know and you will be removed. 

Only a few of the questions below are required, the others can be skipped, if you do not wish to provide the information.

Jeremy Francis (
The Process.
Once you have signed up on the list, your contact information will be stored securely and will not be distributed without your express permission, or used for any other purpose than to notify you of research projects.
  1. If there is a research project that requires volunteers, you will receive an email from me, asking if you would like to participate, with details on the project.
  2. Having read the information and decided that you want to participate, there will be a link in the email to a research questionnaire, and/or contact information for the lead researcher of the project for more details to be provided where necessary.
  3. If you do not wish to participate, no action is required- you can ignore the email.
The questions below are only used to determine who would be invited to participate in a particular questionnaire, based on any requirements that the researcher may have.

This way, you will not receive emails relating to projects that may not be applicable to you. 
Name or pseudonym:
If you prefer to not give your actual name, its fine. Most, if not all projects will be anonymized anyway. A correct email address is the most important thing. 
Country of residence: *
Some projects may require a specific geographical location, however, for the most part project will be open for anyone, anywhere in the world. 
Age Range: *
Some projects may require a specific age range, for which this information will be used.
Employment Status: Are you currently...
Some projects may require information on your employment status, this information will be used only for that purpose. 
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Email address: *
This is how you will be notified of projects, and contacted by researchers.
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