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Montage feedback

You have been a juror or a jury coordinator during WLM 2016. During the contest, you have used Montage as a jury tool, either partially or completely. We are reaching out to you to learn from your experience using Montage. Our goal is to understand what worked well for you when using the tool and what can be improved in the tool for 2017 and other future contests.

A note on Data retention and sharing: The results of this survey in raw form may be shared by WLM international team and Montage developers. We may share the results of the survey, in aggregate, publicly in WLM blog, Montage's page on Commons, etc. If you have any question about this survey, please do not hesitate to contact

Thank you for your time.

WLM 2016 international team and Montage team

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In what role did you interact with Montage? *
If you have used Montage both as a coordinator/admin and as a juror, please fill out this survey twice, one time as a juror and one time as a coordinator.
Which country or countries did you act as a coordinator or juror for during WLM 2016?
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