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Foundation 153 Teacher Grant Application 
Thank you for applying for a Foundation 153 Teacher Grant! It is our goal to work in partnership with teachers and administrators in HSD 153 to enhance educational opportunities and resources for all students. New to our grant process is a rolling application and two options for awards. Once submitted, we will endeavor to reply to your application within 30 days of receipt. Our volunteer Board meets monthly and will review applications for discussion and approval. Additionally, teachers may now choose between a smaller grant option of up to $300 or a larger option of more than $300. Please select the option that best fits your needs. These grant proposals may include requests for professional development needs, school programming, or grade-level/classroom materials. Applications with the support of an administrator will receive stronger consideration for funding. Please see the Application Guidelines and Scoring Rubric for more information on how the committee will review applications. If you have any questions, please feel free to include them in the application or contact for more information.  Thank you for all you do to support our children and community! You are truly valued and appreciated! 
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Which grant funding best meets your needs?  *
First and Last Name  *
Email address  *
School  *
Grade Level  *
Please describe what you would like Foundation 153 to fund.  *
What is the frequency of use of the requested funds?  *
Please explain the need/purpose for this project. What need are you seeking to fill? Or, what skills you are trying to improve? Or, what other school improvement planning factors you are targeting (motivation, engagement, achievement, etc.)?  *
Which group of students will this project impact?  *
Approximately how many students will this impact?  *
How will you measure the impact of this funding request?  *
What amount are you requesting with this application?  *
What is the anticipated start/funding date?  *
Does this request have the support of the administration? *
Please describe the reasoning for any "no" or "unknown" answers above. 
What questions do you have for the committee? 
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