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Turner Activities Code Presentation
Please watch the Activities Code Presentation, then scroll down and fill out all of the information below to show that you watched the presentation.
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What is the name of the parent/guardian watching this presentation? (Last Name, First Name) *
2024-25 Activities Code Video
What is the name of the student/athlete watching this presentation? (Last Name, First Name) You may list more than one student. *
What is the first sport of the school year that your son or daughter will participate ? *
What grade is the student athlete in this school year? *
The WIAA enforces our Athletic Code for how many days of the year? *
As a parent/guardian and as an athlete it is important to recognize the signs, symptoms, and behaviors of concussions and sudden cardiac arrest. You are stating that you have read the Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) and the Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) Concussion and Head Injury information sheet and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information sheet.  Link to Information Sheet: *
How much is the High School Fee for playing in a school sport? *
A student athlete must be in attendance by the end of what block to be able to participate in practice/competition that day? *
Which of the following is an excused absence that will still allow an athlete to participate in practice/competition that day? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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