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Sign Up For Coinbase Smart Wallet
Smart wallets will help make onchain onboarding faster, easier, and safer. Our mission is to create the easiest & fastest experience to bring a billion users onchain.

By filling in this form, you will automatically be registered for our upcoming Smart Wallet open house & receive notifications for when Smart Wallet becomes available.

View our beta demo here.
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Please provide at least one form of contact information so we can keep you updated on exciting upcoming announcements.

We would appreciate it if you could include your name along with any of the following: email address, Telegram handle, ENS, Twitter handle, etc.
Provide the name of your project. *
Provide your project's URL. *
Provide a brief description of your project. *
List networks supported by your dapp.
Have you already integrated Coinbase Wallet SDK? (Link) *
If you'd like to join the Base Gasless Campaign and get $3k in sponsored user transactions (details), provide your dapp's smart contract address(es) and we'll handle the rest
Terms of Service: If you'd like to join the Base Gasless Campaign, you must agree to the Coinbase Developer Platform Terms of Service
Do you have any questions or comments for our team?
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Your privacy is important to us, and we ensure appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your data. For more information about how Coinbase handles your personal data, please read our Privacy Policy

Privacy Disclaimer: Please do not send any sensitive or private information (e.g., social security numbers, account information, user IDs, passwords etc.) using this form.

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