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Walking Club Registration Form
Use this form to register your walking club (however informal or small a group it is) with WalkWicomico! This is a great way to show others that people in Wicomico are walking together, get new members (if an open club), position your club for county-wide challenges, and help change our culture to an active one! There are 17 questions, but they all have quick answers, so it shouldn't take much time to complete. Thanks!
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Email *
1. Club Name *
2. Type of group (e.g., work, church, family, neighborhood) *
3. Connection or common interest (e.g., knitting, reading, neighbors, family, friends, co-workers)?
4. Number of club members: *
5. Number of members who participate regularly in walks: *
6. How often to you walk together? *
7. How long (time) and far (distance) do you usually walk together? *
8. Please choose one: *
9. What are the requirements to join your club?
10. How would someone join your club?
11. When and where do you meet? *
12. What else do you do as a group? (e.g. dinners, sports teams, shopping)
13. If there are any fees or costs for your group, how much are they and what are they for (e.g., T-shirts, hats, refreshments, trips)? *
14. If members are able to earn incentives for walking (e.g. hats, T-shirts, pins, water bottles), what incentives do you award? *
15. Detail any social media accounts the club has or any apps the club uses for challenges: *
16. Please provide name, phone #, and email address for main club contact/organizer: *
17. Please note anything else about your club you'd like to share:
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