Aloha College
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Alumni Form
1. Please type your first name *
2. Please type your last name *
3a. Please type the year when you graduated from Aloha College. *
3b. Which was your last Year Group at Aloha College. *
4. Please provide your contact email address *
This will only be used to inform you of Alumni events
5. Please provide your mobile phone number
6. What is your current profession?
7. Where do you currently live?
8. Please state any other information you would like us to have about you, or tell us what life is like now or some anecdote from when you were an Aloha student
All the best wishes
I have read and accept the Aloha College privacy policy (pdf available on our website). /
He leído y acepto la política de privacidad de Aloha College (pdf disponible en nuestro sitio web).
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