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Southern Tasmanian Association of Meat Producers Membership Registration
This is a form for people to complete to join the register of members for the Southern Tasmanian Meat Producers Association
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Email *
Contact Name (Full name please) *
Business Name
Email address *
Postal Address *
Phone number *
How many cattle do you produce approximately per annum?  If none please type in 0. *
How many sheep do you produce approximately per annum?  If none please type in 0. *
How many goats do you produce approximately per annum?  If none please type in 0. *
How many pigs do you produce approximately per annum?  If none please type in 0. *
How many other animals do you produce approximately per annum?  Put the type in the comments below.  If none please type in 0. *
What is your interest in joining the association?
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