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Verifiable Claims Working Group Draft Charter
This is an *informal* request to review an Editor's Draft of the Verifiable Claims Working Group Charter. Please try to respond in a way that you think will reflect your organization's viewpoint if there was a future official request to review the draft charter. All individual responses will be kept W3C member confidential and DO NOT represent the position of your organization, this is just an informal request. Aggregate numbers will be shared publicly. We are attempting to seek input from the Web Community and W3C Advisory Committee members around whether or not to start work at W3C on Verifiable Claims.

The draft charter can be found here:
The condensed use cases can be found here:
The FAQ can be found here:
The Verifiable Claims Final Report can be found here:
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What is your name? *
Which organization would you represent if we asked you to eventually make a decision on this charter? *
What is your email address? *
The Verifiable Claims Problem Statement is accurate *
You can review the problem statement here:
The Goals proposed by the Verifiable Claims work are good goals to pursue *
The Scope of Work and Deliverables would help address the Problem Statement *
My organizations verifiable claims problems would be addressed if the use cases in the Use Cases document were addressed *
You can view the use cases document here:
My organization would participate in the following way if a Verifiable Claims Working Group were to materialize at W3C *
The question that we're asking here is if your organization is likely to join W3C and participate directly in the work. If the majority of the responses that we get back show little to no interest in actually joining and participating in the work, it will be a good signal that there is no interest in solving this particular problem at this point in time. There are two factors for joining 1) The work is important to your organization, and 2) you have personnel and money to join W3C. It costs roughly $2K-$8K/year for small companies (less than $50M USD in revenue), universities, and government organizations to join W3C. It costs roughly $79K/year for very large multi-national companies (>$50M USD in revenue) to join W3C.
If your organization would NOT participate, what changes would we have to make to the draft charter to change your mind?
Is there any other input that you have on the Verifiable Claims Draft Charter?
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