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Fair Grove MO Website Hall of Fame Application
Please fill out the following form to submit a person for consideration to the Fair Grove Hall of Fame. Please give as much detail as necessary to show clearly how your nominee has helped to grow our community and/or positively represent our town as an outstanding citizen. All nominees will be reviewed for consideration for 3 years. In order to be considered after the 3 years, a new nomination would need to be submitted. 
You can submit this form electronically or print and mail to:  Fair Grove Alumni, PO Box 2, Fair Grove, MO 65648
Thank you for helping us honor those outstanding citizens that make Fair Grove a great place to live. 
If you have questions regarding the Hall of Fame please contact Michael Allcorn at 417-766-7668 or email him at
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Please provide us with an email address for contact. *
Today's date *
What is your name? *
Is there a phone number where we could reach you if we have further questions? *
Please tell us the full name of the person you are nominating. *
Please tell us the address of the person being nominated. *
Please list their phone number. *
Email address *
Date of Birth of Nominee *
If Deceased, Date of Death *
Name of Spouse or close relative *
Schools attended by nominee (please include elementary and high school, as well as any colleges/universities known) *
If the nominee is a Fair Grove High School Alumni, please include any interscholastic activity. Please give specific details concerning performances, years, and/or records.  *
High School Honors: (Give complete detail of high school honors, awards and recognition received as a result of achievements in athletics, academics, or other scholastic or extracurricular endeavors.)
Post-High School Achievements: (Achievements and special recognition at college/university, in the military, or during career training, as applicable.)
Please list any special recognition from Civic Organizations and/or Public Service Awards *
If the nominee was or is currently staff at the school, please list  any teaching or staff duties, length of service, involvement in extracurricular activities, outstanding accomplishments etc.) *
Professional Affiliations and Achievements: (such as Involvement in state and national coaching associations and/or other professional organizations.) *
Please list any special Honors and Achievements in local, state, and national organizations. *
Is there any other information you would like to share with us? *
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