Follow-Up Form
We would really appreciate it if everyone who participated in the ASMB during the 2014-15 round (as a author, artist, beta, etc.) could fill out this form to help improve future bangs! You can fill this out regardless of whether or not you were able to complete the bang.
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Was this your first time participating in a mini/big bang? *
Were you able to complete the bang, or did you need to drop out before the end for some reason? *
IF YOU WERE UNABLE TO COMPLETE THE BANG: Is there anything that mods could do in future rounds to make it more possible for you/others to complete the bang? Let us know if you have any suggestions:
(Even if you did complete the bang, feel free to leave suggestions here! We want to know what you think could make the ASMB better.)
Will you participate in Round Two of the Asexual Supernatural Mini Bang? *
If you have any more thoughts regarding your experience with the bang, things that went well, things that didn't go well, suggestions for the future, etc. feel free to leave them here:
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