ACPS 2015 换届选举 - 候选人报名注册
ACPS 将选举会长,副会长。 请参选人在此报名注册。




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1. 姓名 (LastName FirstName) *
2. 电邮 (Email) *
3. 电话 (Phone number) *
4. 加入ACPS会员的大约时间 (When did you join ACPS) *
5.您申请的竞选职位 (The Positions you are applying through election ) *
6. 参选简言 (参选原因, 目标, 和计划)Brief statement (Reasons to run, goal and plan to run the organization) *
7. 团队领导和义务服务经历 (Leadership and volunteer experiences) *
8. 职业和教育背景 (career and education background) *
9. 特长 (Specialties and Talents)
9. 反馈建言(Feedback and Suggestions)
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