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Becoming a member of Together We Thrive
We are so excited you want to join us. 
We are open and welcoming of all UK based Muslim women.

In becoming a member you agree with: 
Our Vision: For all Muslim women to thrive in however they choose to live their life and to be supported by others to do so, without judgement.

Our Mission: To encourage and facilitate Muslim women of all ages,  to have opportunities to use their knowledge and experiences to benefit themselves and to benefit those around them.

Our Faith Based Values of:  Respect - Compassion - Inclusion - Learning

And we ask you to say a prayer as you make the 'THRIVE PLEDGE':  
"I pledge to commit whatever time I can to my own learning and growth.  And I pledge to be a support for other women so they too can thrive"

There is no fee to join but if you are in a position to make a monthly donation or a one off, we would welcome and very much appreciate that. We have core monthly costs that need to be met and we believe in us as Muslim women funding and supporting our work as much as we can, from among this Network. 

Please tick the relevant box below. 

There is so much to be gained by us working together and supporting each other.

Together, we really can THRIVE!

Lots of love and prayers
The Together We Thrive team

By filling in your details below you can be assured that they will kept confidential, not shared or used in any other way except for the TWT team to communicate with you and keep you updated. 

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Your full name *
Email address *
Mobile number *
Address *
How did you hear about Thrive?  *
There is no fee to join as a member but donations are always welcome. 
These are our bank details: 

Together We Thrive CIC
A/C: 34525694
S/C: 60-83-71
If you ticked box 1 or 2 above, please let us know, in confidence, how much you have donated / set up a regular payment for
Would you like to be added to the TWT WhatsApp group? *
An important part of our Network is Thrive Connect.  Through that we encourage Muslim women to share their skills and expertise. This can be in the form of mentoring, professional advice, coaching, practical skills sharing, work experience, CV help, business planning, opening up networks and opportunities and lots more.  If you are interested in joining our growing Thrive Connect network of awesome Muslim women, please let us know some things about yourself below and someone will be in touch with more information. Thank you.  *
If you answered yes to the above, please give some info below about skills and opportunities you can provide to others with some matchmaking from the Thrive Connect team to link you to those who could benefit. 
If you have any questions about any of the above, or you have ideas and suggestions or about any aspect of the work of Together We Thrive, please do not hesitate to give some thoughts below and someone will come back to you.   

Thank you again for being coming on board as part of this exciting journey! 

Together we are....THRIVING!
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