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WellKIDS Camp Volunteers 2024
One of the best parts of WellKIDS Camp is seeing the entire church come together to make WellKIDS Camp happen! We need all different talents and abilities to make this vision possible! We have a volunteer position for everyone whether it's working directly with kids, helping out in the nursery, preparing snacks or helping us transform the 27 into Breaker Rock Beach! Please fill out the form below and contact Jenna Fisher  ( if you have any other questions.

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Correo *
First and Last Name *
Phone Number *
Volunteer Options: Select all that you are interested in. *
If you chose Teacher's Assistant, please select your preferred age:
Please select a tshirt size. *
Will you need childcare for kids ages 3 and under? If so please write the names and ages of each child below.
Emergency Contact (Name & Phone Number) *
Comments, concerns, questions:
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