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Was your indic birthday/janmatithi information presented in a clear way?
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Can you share your indic birthday Tithi, Masa, paksha, nakshatra with your name and profile on website, so other can search for it by your name or picture (birth time and birth year is not shared)?
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Can you share your english date of birth, including birthtime on website so other can search for it on the website by your name/profile
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Do you like the way your birth day can be remembered with your name as in ancient times?
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Was the nearby festival information useful?
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Do you like to know if you share indic birthdays with celebrities?
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Would you like to know if you share same indic birthdays with your friends and family?
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Did you login and save your indic birthday and/or your friend/family's birthdays ? If not why?
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Would you like to know more about astrological predictions based on your birthday?
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Would you like to know more about indian luni-solar calendar?
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Would you celebrate your indic birthday/janmaithi with friends/family?
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Would you like party supplies /greeting cards be available for indic birthday wishes?
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What type of gifts would you like to give/receive on indic birthday?
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Would you be inclined to buy a custom printed indic calender with indic birthdays for you and your family marked on it?
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What feature would you like if this was made into an app?
More about you: Name, EmailID, Age, gender, Location, educational qualifications, interests, etc *
How would you like to support us? Please be specific if you can.
Any comments (about obove queries or in general)
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