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RIDGE 101 feedback - December 3, 2019
Thank you for attending RIDGE 101! We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it :)

We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving our content, logistics, and presentation. Please complete this quick survey and let us know your thoughts (your answers will be anonymous unless you choose otherwise).
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1. Are you a student or a parent? *
2. Was the information from tonight's event helpful in supporting the transition from middle school to high school?
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3. I am aware of the different types of academic support/resources available to students.
Not very
Yes, very much
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4. I am aware of the different types of emotional or personal supports/resources available to students.
Not very
Yes, very much
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5. I feel more comfortable with the expectations of becoming a high school student/parent.
Not very
Yes, very much
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6. One thing that I wish was covered in the presentation was:
7. One thing that I wish was covered in the tour was:
8. Would you recommend this event to future FRHS Sabercats and their families?
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9. Is there any other feedback for RIDGE 101 that you would like to provide?
10. Name (optional)
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