International Office  - Patient Satisfaction
Dear Sir/Madam
We would like to know how you feel about the services we provide so we can make sure we are meeting you needs. Your responses are directly responsible for improving these services and they will be kept confidential and anonymous . Thank you for your time
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A.  General information
A2 - Gender
A.  General information
A4 Age
If you have never been in conctact with the International Office, please skip to Section C
B -International Office  - CONTACTS
 B1 - Are you satisfied with the contact service received  before the visit?
B - International Office  - CONTACTS
B2 - Did the service meet your expectations
Please Specify
B - International Office  - CONTACTS
B3 - please rate your satisfaction with the service provided before the visit
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Completely Dissatisfied
Does Not Apply
Initial Contact
Staff Courtesy
Timeliness Off Communication
Completeness of information given about the visit, examinations, surgery, treatments
Completeness of information given about the stay in Milan, the accommodation the interpreter service
Financial Information process ( quotation, invoice..)
Clear selection
C - At the IEO
C1 -  FIRST ADMISSION - please rate your satisfaction about regarding your stay at  the IEO
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Completely Dissatisfied
Does Not Apply
Welcome and staff Helpfulness
Interpreter (If requested)
Timeliness of appointment scheduling
Organization of possible surgery or treatment
Quality of care  (physicians)
Quality of care (clinical team) 
Clinical Explanations
Clear selection
D - Follow Up
Completely Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Dissatisfied
Completely Dissatisfied
Does Not Apply
Follow - up organization
Staff Helpfulness
Clear selection
E - Your experience at the IEO
E1 - Would you refer a family member or friend to the IEO
E - Your experience at the IEO
E2 - What are you suggestions for the improvement of the IEO services
E - Your experience at the IEO
E3 - Please rate the overall satisfaction whit the IEO
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