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Next Level Intactivism - Volunteer Questionnaire
Ask not what intactivism can do for you.  Ask what you can do for intactivism.  - a wise intactivist once said
Email *
First and Last Name *
General Location - What's your closest major city?
Not required, mainly useful if you would like to plan protests near you.
Phone number - If I can't contact you there is no point to fill this out lol - don't know why people keep leaving this blank *
Share Links So We can Connect on Social Media
Do you want printed flyers, stickers, bumper stickers or rubber stamps? (rubber stamps to stamp your paper bills)
We will try and get you flyers even if you can't give money for printing....ONLY if you will promise to use them!
Would you be interested in hosting a local meetup?
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Would you be interested in joining a local meetup?
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Would you be interested in joining or organizing local protests? *
Would you be willing to host intactivists in your home to help save lodging costs for traveling intactivists?
I Can Join Online or Telephone Meetup on Monday at 6:30 PM Please Contact Me!
Skills Questions:  I Can Help with Editing?
Skills Questions: I Can Help with Writing?
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Skills Questions: I Can Help with Video Editing!
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Skills Questions: I Can Help with Graphic Design!
Skills Questions:  I Can Help with Web Design!
Skills Questions: I Have Intactivist Specific Education and Communication Skills (all can be learned) that I Want to Share as a Tele-Intactivist Phone Call Activist!
Skills Questions: I'm a Good Educator, I Would Love to Help Teach Other Intactivists!
Skills Questions:  I Have Special Skills as a Manager and I Want to Help Direct Tasks and Function to Help Intactivists Function at Higher Levels!
Why are you passionate about this intactivism?  How has this affected your life or your loved ones? (Regret Mothers we LOVE YOU!)
Do you have any additional skills you think would be valuable? (Note you do NOT need ANY special skills to help us we need EVERYONE who has time to contribute)
Place a check-mark next to TOP 3 areas you are interested in working with.   *
Please choose NO MORE than your TOP 3! You must commit two hours per week to any committee you join to be considered an active member as well as attend or listen to afterwards a minimum of 50% of Group meetings as determined by the Committee Head.
Are there any other Committees you think would be valuable for our mission?  We want to attack this issue as many ways as we possibly can!
Would you be willing to head a Committee? (please list Committee interested in)
This means organizing and hosting group web meetings.  Contacting committee members and keeping them accountable.  Writing out Committee goals, plans and expectation of Volunteers.  Validating effectiveness and efficiency of group actions. Expect to commit to at least 5-10 hours per week as a Committee Head.  
The First Step of the Majority of Our Projects Start with Database Research and Creation.  Even as heads of groups each and every one of us must contribute to the total for our efforts to have value. Will you help with database research and development?
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Can you help with organization and logistics? (do you have any business skills - proof reading (editing), categorizing, organizing, accounting, funding and donations, etc.)
How much time per week do you have to commit to intactivism? Are you willing to commit at least two hours each week?
In order to be considered an active member you must commit to a minimum of two hours per week to each committee you have joined.
What is the latest I can call or text you?  Let me know time and time zone.  If I can text anytime and I won't wake you let me know.  I'm a night owl and get my best work done at night.
Do you need any resources or help from Next Level Intactivism?
Are you self motivated? Will you promise to contribute and enhance our efforts rather than be a drain?
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Can you donate monetarily?   (Note monthly pledge amount or one time)             P.S.        NLI does not collect donations directly.  We recommend top, vetted inactivist organizations who can put your money to use effectively. We will only seek funds necessary for a project at the discretion of the intactivists running whatever program.  We encourage all intactivists to make a small monthly pledge.  This is about encouragement nothing else.  Do NOT feel pressured to donate.  If you can't donate, do what we need even more....VOLUNTEER!  LOVE YOU ALL! *
Comments, Notes, Encouragement, Motivation, Sharing Love, Sharing Hate, Recommendations
Website Link?  If you have a website relating to intactivism please share here.
How did you find out about us? *
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