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20 Questions: January 26, 2024
Roca Nation, today we're going to break out that nostalgia pack. Yesterday, amid news about the continued decline of childhood magazine staples like Sports Illustrated and National Geographic, we did a lot of reminiscing. Indeed, much of the world we grew up in -- with Rainforest Cafe, ESPN Zone, and scented erasers -- is gone. 

So, let's get nostalgic today. We can't wait to hear your answers. Have a great weekend.
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Your favorite restaurant as a kid?
Favorite TV show as a kid?
What's something from your childhood that no longer exits?
Are you still friends with your middle school best friend?
A scent that reminds you of your childhood?
A sound that reminds you of your childhood?
What's something you had growing up that you wish kids had today?
Best school lunch?
Where did you grow up?
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Did that materialize?
A movie you loved as a kid that you don't like now?
A movie you loved as a kid that you still like?
Your favorite athlete as a kid?
Your favorite musician as a kid?
What's something random you're nostalgic for?
A TV commercial that could transport you back to childhood?
A valuable lesson you learned at a young age?
When did you stop believing in Santa?
More than anything else, what do you miss from your childhood?
Comments or thoughts?
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