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Minnesota Volunteer Sign up Form
Use tab key or "point and click" to each of 6 questions. Mobile phone users scroll down.  Click on Submit button after 6th question at bottom.   Do NOT click on pencil icon.  We will NEVER, EVER share your data.  It is for internal club use only.  Note: You will get an immediate on-screen confirmation and will also receive an email from "Google Forms" of your submission.  If you don't get the email, check your spam or junk folders.  Keep this email if you need to make corrections or cancel this submission.
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We are a 100% volunteer club.  We do not collect dues or have a full board of directors.  The organizer facilitates the gathering of Gulf Shores/Orange Beach and surrounding area snowbirds.  There are breakfast gatherings each Tuesday during the season (Jan 1 - Mar 15).    To orchestrate this, we need volunteers.  Below is the list of opportunities for you to GET INVOLVED!                    Thank you.
1. Please tell us your full name *
2. Phone contact while in GS/OB *
3. Club Opportunities - Check all that you might be willing to help or chair
4. Breakfast Facilitation Opportunities                                     Volunteer activity is at the site the day of the breakfast which runs 7:30 to ~9:30.  
5. Local Fund Raiser Events - Minnesota Team
6. Other Club Activities
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