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OnlyNations Membership Application
To be able to join the OnlyNations Minecraft Server as well as have access to all the discord channels, you must first fill out this form and wait for our response. It shouldn't take more than 24 hours.

This is done as a protective, quality control measure as to not allow to our server players who might bypass the rules, undermine our staff, diminish our players and overall be detrimental to the server. If you are on our Discord, a staff members will ping you once your application has been accepted.

By filling out this form you agree to have read our rules and understand that this is a roleplay and worldbuilding server first and foremost (and NOT a factions, free-for-all, pvp-only server). If any information provided here is later found to be false or deceiving, you will be permanently banned from the server.
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What is your IGN (in-game username) ?
Which platform do you play on?
What is your Discord ID?
How old are you?
Have you played on a nations, roleplay or worldbuilding server before? *
Do you have any plans what you'll do once you join the server?
How much interest do you have in lore, writing and roleplaying? Tick all options you're interested in.
How did you find out about this server?
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