Kettering Kickoff Attendance
Use this form to tell Clinton and Brandi whether or not you'll be attending Kettering Kickoff. Please give us an accurate response of your attendance.
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First Name *
Last Name *
E-Mail Address *
Cell Phone Number *
Use this format: XXX-XXX-XXXX
Wednesday *
Are you attending to help set up the field at 4:00pm? Pizza dinner is provided.
Sunday *
Are you attending?
Saturday *
*IF* we are able to also compete on Saturday (which we are currently not registered to do, but if a spot opens up, we will try to also compete on Saturday), would you be able to attend? The agenda would be the same as on Sunday.
Role on Team *
Please select the role that best fits you.
VEX Contract *
Have you completed your VEX Contract, including the ONLINE Emergency Contact form, found at
Agree to submit *
I understand that I am responsible for keeping myself informed by staying up to date with the #kettering-kickoff-competition channel in Alpha Slack and reading the Event Agenda. I also understand that by submitting this form, I agree to abide by all safety protocols that are required by both GBCS, Kettering University, and any other applicable organization at the time of, and leading up to the event.
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