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Exploring perceptions of the British Red Cross
This is a short survey conducted on behalf of the British Red Cross Service Design Team to understand current perceptions of the organisation. This will help us deliver a better service to those in crisis across the UK.

All data will be appropriately handled within the Red Cross and will be shared with no other organisations or bodies.  
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Before Covid-19 - What services did you think the British Red Cross offered? *
During Covid-19 -  Which services do you think the British Red Cross has been offering since Lockdown? *
During Covid-19 have you needed help/support from someone outside your immediate household? eg food, emotional support, medication. *
If yes, where have you gone for support?
Would you consider using the British Red Cross if you need support? *
If not, what would stop you from using British Red Cross Services?
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Please check any of the following statements which you believe to be true: *
Would you know how to contact the British Red Cross if you needed support? *
Have you seen any of our messaging - adverts, social media posts, etc *
Have you ever interacted with the British Red Cross in any of the following ways (check all that apply): *
Please answer the following questions to help us understand our demographics: How old are you?
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Where in the UK do you reside?
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Please state your ethnicity
If you'd be willing to be contacted for further research please put you email here:
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