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Ryall Springs Farm Boarding Application
Ryall Springs Farm is a full care boarding facility with individual stalls and small group turnouts. Our farm is a family-friendly environment. Our borders are mostly Dressage or Event riders.  To maintain a relaxed and fun atmosphere, and continue to provide a safe environment for our horses and riders we ask that all potential boarders complete the following form.
   Please tell us about you and your horse's needs.
* This application is for adults 18 or older to complete*
Horse owners full name and contact info
Are you the sole owner of your horse? *
Riders full name and phone number *
Your address *
Horse name, breed, gender, and size *
Riders horse experience *
Riders goals and interests *
What type of boarding are you looking for? We only offer full board at this time *
How long are you looking to board at Ryall Springs Farm? *
What discipline do you ride *
Who do you train with on a regular basis? *Riders under 21 need to have a trainer on the property or approved by Ryall Springs Farm* *
May we contact your instructor or trainer for a reference ( If yes, please list contact info)
Where are you currently boarding? Please list the name of the barn and the length of time you have been there. *
Do you need trailer parking? *
Does your horse have any habits and or behavioral issues? *
**Other  For question 15**
Any medical issues or past Colic episodes *
Does your horse have a history of escaping stalls, paddocks, pastures, or other enclosures? *
What does your horse currently eat? ( type and amount) *
We feed Triple Crown grain, 2 feedings per day. If you wish to feed your horse any other brand of feed you must provide the feed and are responsible for bringing the feed to the barn. *
How did you hear about Ryall Springs Farm? *
Additional references ( if any)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out the application.  Once the form has been submitted it will be reviewed and a decision will be made if stalls are available, if not you will be added to our waiting list.  Completion of this form does not guarantee a spot for your horse, It simply gives us the information we need to consider you and your horse for future boarding.  We will be in touch shortly. -Ryall Springs Farm
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