YWCA USA designates October 18 – 23 Week Without Violence! Week Without Violence is part of a global movement with YWCAs across the country to end violence against women and girls.
YWCA is holding two free self-defense classes on Wednesday 10/27/21, taught by Johnny Hatten of Piasa Martial Arts. Classes will be limited to 30 people, ages 14 years & up, and offered in the gym at YWCA (304 E. Third St.) Tennis shoes and comfortable clothing are required. Piasa Martial Arts will supply shields/equipment to help practice with attendees.
The class will consist of scenario-based self-defense: i.e., someone trying to grab you out of nowhere. Attendees will be using their hands, feet, elbows, and knees. We will have chairs setup for people to take as many breaks as as needed (so you do not push yourself too hard).
Johnny and his two female Black Belts will also teach “ABC Self-Defense”-- Awareness, Boundaries, and Counter. This will teach attendees that a lot of self-defenses is being aware of your surroundings and alert to avoid an attack.
Feel free to park in our lot on George St and enter the gym directly from the parking lot.
Please select your preferred time for this training (6-7pm or 7-8pm) below and complete the brief questionnaire.