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Vancity Mobile Banking App
6 responses
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Screening Questions
What is your age?
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What is your occupation?
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What is your highest level of education?
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User Questions
Please list the top 3 tasks you most commonly use the mobile Vancity banking app for.
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How long have you been using the mobile Vancity banking app?
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How would you rate your overall experience with the mobile Vancity banking app?
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How does the mobile Vancity banking app compare to its competitors mobile apps? ie. CIBC, RBC ect.
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If there is a reason you would choose a competitors app over this one, what is it?
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How likely would you be to recommend the mobile Vancity banking app? app to someone else?
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If there was one thing you could change about the mobile Vancity banking app?, what would it be?
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What is your favourite thing about the mobile Vancity banking app?
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Explain a poor experience you've had using the mobile Vancity banking app?
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Explain a good experience you've had using the mobile Vancity banking app?
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If you could add feature to the app it does not already have, what would it be?
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Do you find the navigation within the app makes it easy to find what you're looking for?
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How would you rate the interface design of the mobile Vancity banking app?
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What other products or tools do you use to accomplish similar tasks this app can or can not do?
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Is there anything else you would like to mention about your feelings or experiences with the mobile Vancity banking app?
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Thank you for your time to complete this survey!
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