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Grocery - Host Location Application
Thank you for your interest in participating as a host location for the GIFT Program. The GIFT Program pays you to host one of our accredited vendors at your location and hand out gift cards to your customers that we buy from you in advance.

Each application will be approved based on the fit with our interested vendors.

You will have final approval on what vendors can appear at your location.

Once your application is approved, we'll send you the interested vendors for final approval. Once approved, we'll pay you in advance and coordinate all the details with our vendor and your staff.

All vendors observe strict safety guidelines to protect your staff and customers.
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How many locations do you operate? *
Our vendor activations are typically outside the entrance to your location. However, some of our hardware location hosts have made room inside the store fo a small display table. Can you provide space inside for an activation? *
Please ask any additional questions here and we'll provide feedback within 24 hours. *
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