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Tools and Equipment Field Day at Big River Farms 
Date: Oct 15, 2024
Address: 14220 Ostlund Trl N Ste B, Marine on Saint Croix, MN 55047
Time: 4:15- 6:45
Cost: No charge

Are you looking for infrastructure and  equipment  for your small farm to improve efficiency, safety and quality?Take advantage of new grants from the MDA to purchase these items.

Come to this field day to learn about the best options for  low-cost equipment that work well for beginning farmers, especially those who may farm on rented land, and get help with applying for new grants to purchase this equipment. 

Audience:  This program is especially intended for beginning fruit and vegetable farmers interested in learning more about low-cost equipment to improve the quality and safety of their fresh produce, and who may be applying for new grants to purchase this equipment. 

Hands-on stations will include:
  • Packshed and postharvest  bins, wash tables, refrigeration and coolers
  • Cultivators, rototillers. wheel hoes and hand tools
  • Seeders and transplanters
  • Fencing temporary and permanent options
  • Wells and pumps
Questions? Annalisa Hultberg, Extension Educator, Food safety University of Minnesota,

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