GEF Familiarization Seminar 2013 Evaluation
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How was the organization of the Seminar ?
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1. Introduction to the GEF
Very Low
Very High
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2. GEF Trustee, STAP, and GEF Evaluation Office Panel
Very Low
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3. Meet the GEF Agencies Panel
Very Low
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4. GEF Resource Programming
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5. How to Access GEF Funding
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Very Low
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How to Access GEF Funding
NPIF, LDCF-SCCF, Broadening the GEF Partnership & Public Private Partnerships
Very Low
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6. GEF Chemicals Program
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Very High
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Very High
Very High
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7. GEF Strategies, Activities, and Accomplishments
GEF Strategies
Very Low
Very High
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8. Adaptation Fund
9. Civil Society, Indigenous People, and Gender
Very Low
Very High
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10. GEF Capacity Development Activities
Very Low
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11. Simulation Exercise
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