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L.U.K.E. Community Support Form
Please complete this form to receive emails and to offer support. We will be sending out updates from Make sure it’s added to your contact list so the emails don’t go to spam!  
L.U.K.E. is an independent group of families in the St. Luke community that has organized to advocate for Love, Unity, Kindness, and Equality.  

We are focused on acts of solidarity and kindness to show support and make change. We do not endorse active protests or rallies at mass or school.

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First Name *
Last Name: *
Please list your affiliation with St. Luke School (parent, alumni, parish member, supporting family from another Catholic School etc). *
Email for being included in future communications: *
Cell phone if you would like to included in the WhatsApp:
If you are interested in being involved with any of the organizational work that is being done to make sure we are a unified voice around this, please list the ways you are able to help:
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