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Puppy application

AdagioPaws believes in open communication and are always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Before you take one of our puppies home, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire to make sure it's the right fit. We look forward to helping you find the perfect pup for your family? Please fill-in the application below to start our journey.

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email Address *
Phone *
Street Address *
Address line 2
City *
State *
Postal/Zip Code *
Country *
Tell Us About yourself *
Why have you chosen the Lagotto? *
Gender? *
Preference in color? *
Are you open to other colors? *
What role will the pup play in your home?  *
Do you have other animals in home? Type? Age? *
Names and ages of household members *
Which best describes your housing situation *
If renting, are pets allowed
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Describe the environment that you see your pup sleeping and play *
Have you owned or trained a pup before? *
Will you be taking the pup to obedience classes? *
Are you going to spay or neuter *
Have you ever surrendered an animal? *
If yes, under what circumstances
Do you understand the difference between limited and full registration? *
I understand that submission of this application is the first step of the interview process and does no guarantee you an AdagioPaws Lagotto  *
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