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Big Six Research Project Form for ESL
Based on Bloom's Taxonomy and Questions; Form created for Ms. McCurry's ESL Class Alexander Graham Middle School by Ms. McCurry
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Steps 1&2: What do I need to identify, define or find the meaning of?
How many? What is...? Describe what happens.
Steps 1&2: What do I need to understand? What is the main idea? Do I have an example?
Can you distinguish between two things that are similar and notice differences? Why is that important?
Steps 1&2: What do I need to solve or explain? Can you group by characteristics of the problem? What are they?
What type of information can you provide? Do you have illustrations? What kind?
Steps 1&2: What do I need to analyze? What are some of the problems with the parts and their combinations?
Steps 1&2: What do I need to evaluate? How many ways can you solve this problem? How can you convince people to use your solution? Model the question: "What would happen if...?" with your solution.
Steps 1&2: What do I need to design or simulate? Is there a better solution to my solution? What changes would I recommend?
What is the value of the solution?
Step 3: Where am I going to get my information? How will I say where I got my information?
Choose from the pull down menu. Click on the down arrow.
Step 4: Write it down!
Did you...?
Step 5: Put it together!
Use Graphic Organizers
Step 6: Final Touches
Wrap it up!
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