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Bootworks Mall Services Inquiry Form
Thank you for inquiring about Bootworks Mall Services!

Our hours of operation are 8am to 5pm Monday - Friday. If you have a service that you need performed outside of are regular working days or hours we are happy to work with you on scheduling at your preferred time depending on availability. *If you have an emergency service please check yes below and we will do our best to accommodate your request*

If you inquire before 1pm, Monday thru Friday, we will be in touch with you by 5pm that day. If you inquire after 1pm, Monday thru Friday, we will be in touch with you by 1pm the following business day.
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Is this an urgent service that needs to be performed within 24 hours?
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Mall *
Store Name *
Primary contact phone number *
Primary contact name *
What service are you looking for? *
Preferred service date:
Any other helpful information we need to know about this job? 
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