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Child Safety Incident Form
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Complainant's name (if other than the child) *
Complainant's contact details - phone & email address
Complainant's role at club
Child's name *
Child's age
Child's address
Team child connected with *
Date of Incident *
Please summarise the reason to raise an incident or concern
Complainant's reason for suspecting abuse
(e.g. observation, injury, disclosure)

Type of alleged abuse (e.g. physical, sexual, emotional, inappropriate behaviour)
Where alleged incident occurred (location)
Who was involved in the incident
Does the child identify as
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander?

Does the incident involve discrimination based on any of these (tick those that are yes)
Name of person complained about
Their role / status in the club
Witnesses (if more than 3 witnesses, attach details to this form)  Name & contact details 1 / Name and contact details 2 / Name and contact details 3
Interim action (if any) taken to ensure child’s safety and/or to support needs of person complained about
Were Police contacted?
Advice provided:

Was any Government agency contacted?
Advice Provided

Has the President and/or CSO been contacted?

Police and/or government agency investigation (if any)

Please report any findings

Internal / Club investigation (if any)

Please report any findings
Action taken *
Form Completed by
This record and any notes must be kept in a confidential and safe place and provided to the relevant authorities (police and government) should they require them.
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