ContentMining @ OpenCon 2015
We want to make sure the session today was useful to you and improve for future sessions. The data you provide below is anonymous and because we operate openly and transparently it will be displayed on our website to help future candidates and us to get the most out of ContentMine workshops.

Thank you very much for taking the time to fill this in!
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Were you familiar with the following BEFORE the workshop?
What is your usual operating system?
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What is your role? e.g. lab scientist, libary service, data curator, publisher, teacher, informatician)
How would you rate the session overall?
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How far do you agree with the following statements AFTER the workshop?
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
I understand the basic concepts of content mining
I think my colleagues would benefit from this session?
The content was as described
The content met my expectations
I have now a better understanding of what ContentMining/Text Data Mining ist
I know now better, what the project ContentMine does
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For my experience level the content was:
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What was MOST useful about the session?
What was LEAST useful about the session?
What did you miss in the session?
What have you learned in the session?
Do you have any other comments or suggestions for improvement?
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