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Ukrainian Immigration Clinic - Student/Attorney Volunteer
IRRP is hosting an in-person Ukrainian Immigration Clinic to assist Ukrainian families in the triangle. We will be offering an overview of immigration relief and assistance with: 

1. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) with Employment Authorization Document (EAD).
2. Humanitarian Parole  with Employment Authorization Document (EAD).

Date: Saturday, March 2, 2024
Time: 2PM - 7PM (attend the whole time)
Location: Campbell Law School (Room 105).

You MUST review the Ukrainian Immigration Training on Blackboard (or through your school link) to assist in the immigration clinic.

We want to thank you for sharing your time and for helping Ukrainian families during these unprecedented times.

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Full Name of Volunteer *
E-mail of Volunteer *
Law Student/Volunteer Options *
I commit to attending the Ukrainian legal clinic in person at Campbell Law on March 2 *
I understand that all student volunteers are required to watch the legal training provided on Blackboard before the event.
School Affiliation: *
I speak a language at a level of professional competency and that language is:
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